Monday, May 31, 2010

The Perfect Sunday

When I woke to the pitter-patter of rain on Saturday morning, I was crushed.  I thought our weekend was ruined, fearing we were destined to waste another two days vegetating on the couch.  This was not how I had imagined spending my weekend!  Luckily, the dreary weather passed, allowing us to get out and experience the city.  Saturday night was our big night out, as detailed in yesterday’s entry.
Sunday morning was a stark, yet whole-heartedly welcome, contrast to the previous day.  Yippee!  We brushed the sleep out of our eyes to find the sun brilliantly shining; the nearly perfect weather demanding we venture outdoors to sightsee.  I didn’t really need much encouragement; I had been dying to check out Brisbane with Mouse as my partner-in-crime.  I had ventured out on solo expeditions when he was in the hospital, but I wanted him to join me.  It was important he see the city with me.  After all, this is supposed to be our Australian adventure. 

We caught the ferry at New Farm Park and jetted down-river to South Bank.  We walked along the parklands, made a brief stop in the Museum of Modern Art, and hit the open-air market.  At the risk of sounding trite, it really was the perfect Sunday afternoon.  It’s nice to have my Mouse back and start living life again. 

I know this was merely (and quite literally) a walk in the park.  I know we have a long way to go before we’re mountain climbing again, but it’s a step in the right direction.  It felt good to get out, to shed our recently sedentary ways, to feel the sunshine on our faces.  It all filled me with the sense that we are finally able to participate in life again, that the waiting is finally over.  So, I guess, this weekend was about more than sightseeing; it another step in the road to taking our life back.

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