Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Letter to Master Chef

Oh, Master Chef… I have come to rely upon you as a bastion of quality entertainment in the otherwise abysmal programming of Australian television. For one hour a night, you grant me reprieve from “footy” games* and reruns of Two and Half Men and The Big Bang Theory. I look forward to your drawn-out, melodramatic cooking challenges. Even though your contestants are only marginally talented, I appreciate how openly they display their emotions, readily crying crocodile tears for the your viewers and pleading their case to pompous judges. Although you pale in comparison to Top Chef, you are the best program available on Australian public television, and I am hooked.
So, Master Chef, you must know how greatly you disappointed me the other night when you chose “American Cuisine” as the theme of the cooking demonstration. The best your hosts could come up with was a menu of sticky ribs and Waldorf salad. Seriously?!?! Do you really think this is a proper representation of the American culinary genre? That would be like us throwing a “shrimp on the barbie” and calling it Australian cuisine. You have stereotyped and marginalized us with this menu. (And you didn’t even make the ribs properly!) American cuisine is so diverse; you could have done so much better. So, Master Chef, I ask that you treat American food with the same respect you would any other nationality’s cuisine. Do your research. Get a celebrity chef or two. But please don’t lead Aussies to believe that anyone still eats Waldorf salad!!!
*”Footy” refers to rugby union, rugby league, or Australian Rules Football, depending upon whom you ask. They are all a bunch of nonsense, if you ask me.

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