Monday, May 17, 2010

Cold Winter Nights

Ironically, even though we had no need for our sleeping bags Saturday (when we were supposed to be camping), we seriously thought about using them last night, even though we were home. We couldn’t quite bring ourselves to do it, instead resorting to sleeping in our long underwear. (Yup – it was that cold.) The Brisbane winter has arrived and it’s becoming quite chilly at night. (By our standards, at least.) Truthfully, it isn’t really that cold, especially considering the winters I’ve braved in the past. According to locals, the mercury will occasionally dip to freezing, but it’s recently only hovered around 50°F. I know, I know - I’ve become a wimp. The problem is, our apartment doesn’t have any heat. We didn’t even notice until we had lived here for a couple of weeks. Central heat is a given back home, so I never thought to ask when apartment hunting. Apparently, central heat is a rare luxury here. It’s warm enough most of the year to deem it unnecessary. Heat would be nice right about now, though. Looks like we’re in the market for a space heater!

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