My Nursing Background:
Current Position:

Parallon Workforce Management Solutions, ICU Regional Float Pool RN, Denver, CO
ProCare One, Travel RN, ICU, Orange County, CA
Past Experience:
Surgical ICU/Cardiothoracic ICU RN, Denver, CO
Neuroscience Ward, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Agency RN, ICU, Orange County, California
Surgical/Neuroscience ICU, Las Vegas, Nevada
Medical/Surgical/Telemetry Unit, Las Vegas, Nevada
My Education:
B.A. in English Literature, Western Michigan University
Certificate, The Publishing Institute, University of Denver
B.S. in Nursing, University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center
Before I was a Nurse...
I haven't always been a nurse. In fact, I didn't even consider nursing as a career until my mid-twenties and didn't complete nursing school until I was nearly thirty. Before that, my entire world revolved around the written word. I majored in English literature as an undergrad, taking a job as a pharmaceutical technical writer immediately after graduation. Later, I decided to explore the world of publishing, attending a summer program at University of Denver, which led to a position with a small, independent, academic publisher in Boulder, CO. I loved my publishing days, but soon realized it wasn't something I wanted to do forever. Somehow, I decided upon nursing. I have never regretted this career change, not even for a moment. I love what I do. But, sometimes, I do miss the creativity working with words affords. So, this blog is my chance to come full circle, to combine nursing with writing. I can only hope others enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Thanks for reading about my adventures!