Sunday, May 2, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Since Mouse was released from the hospital, we’ve pretty much been homebodies, which has been slightly depressing. We’re not accustomed to staying in very often, and certainly did not move to Australia to sit on the couch and watch television. But his ankle has needed time to heal, and it’s been tough getting around on the crutches, so we have been doing just that. Yesterday, we couldn’t take it any longer; we couldn’t spend another night in. It’s Labor Day weekend out here, I have three days off work, and we needed to do something. Since his cast is off and his mobility improving, we decided to take our chances and head downtown to the Caxton Street Seafood and Wine Festival, which was packed with boisterous partygoers. It was somewhat tricky navigating through the sea of people, but he did really well. And, of course, he reveled in the opportunity to regale others with the tale of his surf injury. Oddly, we missed out on the seafood, but we did partake of the wine and other delicious street-food. We met some great locals, listened to Aussie hip-hop (hilarious!), and ended up having “heaps” of fun. Now that Mouse is on the mend, I hope life will be a bit more exciting and we have many more nights like these in our future.

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