Thursday, May 20, 2010

House Lizard

I nearly jumped out of my skin last night when a gecko darted out from behind my refrigerator. He was only as big as my thumb, but I let out a shriek more appropriate for something five times his size. You would have thought I had seen a monster. (Or, at least, a very large spider.) Little buddy then proceeded to dart up and down our walls for the rest of the evening. We had no hopes of shooing him out; he’s just too quick. I couldn’t even snap a picture of him; he wouldn’t stay in one place long enough. Even though he’s mildly cute, I’m kind of creeped out, knowing he’s lurking somewhere in the shadows, just waiting to give me another fright. There isn’t much I can do, though. He will leave when he’s ready, probably when it warms up. Until then, it looks like we have ourselves a house lizard.

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