Friday, May 7, 2010

My Badge of DIS-honor

Why, oh why do I always take such horrible ID photos? I swear I must be cursed! It doesn’t help that I had no idea I would be posing for my badge photo on Wednesday. If I had known, I would have taken a little extra time getting ready, put on some make-up, maybe even done my hair nicely. Instead, I was caught by surprise, with no effort put into my appearance that day. The result is embarrassing. No one expects an ID photo to look fabulous, but this is ridiculous. Now I’m stuck wearing a badge touting an incredibly plain and washed-out likeness of myself. It’s awful. I hope I don’t really look that bad on a daily basis! Every time I look at it, I cringe. My self-esteem takes a hit. I understand this is a silly thing to fret over. I realize very few people will even notice said photo. I can even see that I’m being fairly vain and petty, but I cannot help myself. I really hate it! My only hope is that I can concoct a creative, yet seemingly accidental way to destroy my badge, making it necessary to procure a new badge with a more attractive photo. Hmmm… let the scheming begin! If anyone has any good ideas, please feel free to let me know.

1 comment:

  1. A nurse that I work with put a gold star sticker over her ID pic...
