Saturday, July 10, 2010

Invasion of the Dust Balls

I did it.  I finally broke down and bought a vacuum cleaner.  I couldn’t stand the disgusting bedroom carpet any longer.  It was vile.  I’m convinced the prior tenant did not vacuum once while she lived here.
  You may question why I didn’t make this purchase earlier, considering the deplorable condition of said carpet.  To be honest, I don’t have a good reason.  We needed one.  It’s not that I’m a dirty person; I just didn’t want to spend our meager disposable income on something so utilitarian.  Let’s face it - a vacuum cleaner is not the sexiest way to spend your money.  And something about it just screams permanence, which is not the look we’re aiming for.  Besides, we’re living as basic and no-frills as possible these days.  Our apartment is evidence of this; it’s downright Spartan.  We refuse to invest in unnecessary items, as they will have to go when we do.    So, I put off the vacuum cleaner until I could no longer ignore the dust balls.  They were multiplying at an alarming rate - a mob of dust and debris threatening to take over the entire bedroom.  Like I said – it was gross.  So, I finally had to give in.  I had to stop living like a dirty college student and pony up for the vacuum cleaner.  It wasn’t a fun purchase.  I didn’t enjoy it one bit.  But, at least I’m no longer afraid to walk barefoot in my own bedroom!

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