Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Not as Easy as it Looks

When I first began formulating my plan to live and nurse in Australia, I had no idea where to begin.  I was naïve and, admittedly, pretty arrogant; certain the process couldn’t be too difficult. After all, I was an American, with a solid American education and training.  Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to hire me?  It didn’t take long to knock me off that self-important pedestal.  I quickly learned being American wasn’t much of an advantage.  Obtaining a foreign license and finding work proved to be a much more lengthy, difficult, and humbling experience than I could have imagined.

My first hurdle was finding information.  I tried researching online, but was unable to find much useful information.  I located numerous agencies dedicated to helping foreign nurses find positions in America, but not vice versa.  The agencies that did specialize in New Zealand or Australian placements catered to nurses from Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.  I sent resumes and email queries to countless agencies without receiving any response.  I began feeling like my efforts were futile.  I was frustrated before I had even begun.   But, eventually, an agency did show interest in me and walked me through the basics.  Regrettably, they didn’t land me my current position, but they did provide a wealth of information.

Since I’ve been out here, a few people have contacted me, querying about the licensing and job-placement process.  So, I thought it might be helpful if I dedicated a page to outline what I learned.  By no means do I consider myself an expert, but I have learned quite a bit over the past year and a half and am more than happy to share the wealth.  If you are interested in learning more, please check out the new page tab, located at the top, “So You Want to be an Aussie Nurse?”

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