Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I don’t want people to get the wrong idea, because the weather is typically amazing here, but today is absolutely miserable.  It’s the most wretched combination of cold, wet, and rain.  And, thanks to the lack of central heat, my apartment could double for a massive walk-in cooler!  It’s thoroughly frigid.  I’m pretty sure I can see my breath.  (No joke!)  To combat said misery, I’ve set up camp in my bedroom, cranked up my mini-radiator, and piled on the few blankets I own.  I have absolutely no motivation to leave this small bastion of warmth.  Besides, if you could see my outfit, you would laugh.  I look like a bag lady!  I didn’t pack many cold-weather clothes, so I’m sporting a multitude of layers, including ski socks and a knitted cap.  I feel ridiculous, but at least I’m warm.  I still haven’t worked out how I’m going to get myself coffee or breakfast without having to brave the cold, which is permeating the rest of my apartment, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

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