After some conversations with coworkers and a couple of Mount Barney locals, I’m no longer disappointed with
this week’s lack-luster mountaineering performance. Turns out, most who recommended the hike had never actually done so themselves, as they deemed it too difficult. Another admitted she and her husband turned around midpoint because they had run out of time; it took them five hours to reach what took me two hours. The locals informed me hikers are regularly rescued from the mountain. And I learned most novices usually go guided. Note to self… These are all things that would have been helpful to know
before I started the hike. Oh well. So, in retrospect, I was wise to turn around and call it quits when I did. Because, let’s face it, a dramatic mountain rescue might be good fodder for the blog, but it wouldn’t be much fun in real life.
Oh – and it turns out the cows chase everyone. I guess they’re just plain mean.
Really? You were chased by cows? I so wish you had video!