I am one itchy, scratchy girl right now. You should see me. I'm sure I look like someone afflicted with a weird skin disorder. And it's taking every last bit of self control to keep myself from digging into my flesh. The itching is driving me insane! Even my anti-itch cream isn't doing much good.

And it's not just me. It seriously looks as though a pox has come down upon all of us at the resort, with our exposed skin boasting a myriad of angry, itchy, red welts. We're quite the sight these days! It's nothing serious; just a case of some very persistent and sadistic sandflies. But they have really done a number on us, despite our prolific use of bug spray.
Still, I guess I should consider myself lucky. I hear this isn't even the buggy season. Apparently, it gets much worse once the weather warms up. And when the winds die down, it's a mosquito free-for-all. (Ugh!)
Don't feel too badly for me, though. I'm still living it up in paradise. This has truly been an incredible experience thus far. I guess a few bug bites are a small price to pay.
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