Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rude Awakening

Until today, I’ve been in complete denial that fall is upon us.  I know Labor Day is long gone, and the summer tourists have deserted our beach, but nothing else, thus far, has truly indicated the summer months are actually over.  (Save for the Halloween decorations that have dominated the grocery store aisles since July.  But, I digress.)  After all, just this past weekend, Mouse and I took the kayaks on a camping/paddling excursion where we donned our suits and played in the waves every day.  (Trip report to follow soon.)  And the weekend before that, I was in Sequoia National Park, on a camping and canyoneering trip, where I rappelled into waterfalls and swam through pristine mountain pools.  (And, yes, this trip report will also follow soon.)  Do either of these sound like fall activities?  I think not. 

It’s been weekends like these, along with the constant sunshine and heavenly SoCal weather, which have permitted me to live in denial for so long.  For heaven's sake, we still play bocce ball on the beach and ride our cruisers down the boardwalk, which are most certainly not fall activities!  But today, Mother Nature decided she’d had enough of playing nice and forced me into a rude awakening.  Today, I was welcomed into my day via gray skies and pouring rain.  So, now I know it’s official.  Fall is here.  My summer on the beach has ended.  What a bummer of a way to start my week.  (And for those who would like to point out that it’s actually Wednesday, I would like to point out that I’m working the weekend, so today is the beginning of my work week.  Bleh.)

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