I don't know how many people have actually seen the "Pure Michigan" ad campaign, but this vacation is turning out to read like the story-board from those commercials. Seriously, I've had more than a few moments this past week when I've felt like I've stepped into the television and found my way into a cinematographic imagining of what a vacation in Michigan
should look like. It's been amazing. First, the triathlon. Then, camping along the lakeshore in
Warren Dunes, lazing on the beach during the day and gathering around the campfire at night. Now we're in the central portion of the state, golfing and hanging out with friends and family on sun-basked patios. The weather has been perfect. The white wine has been crisp and chilled to perfection. The microbrews (i.e. Bell's) have lived up to my memories. I've climbed sand dunes and caught fire-flies. Mouse reeled in his first big fish. I made s'mores with my nephews. I even baked a
knock-out blueberry cobbler with local, Michigan blueberries last night. (Thanks,
Bon Appetite, for the recipe.) I know this all sounds so mundane, especially when juxtaposed against our usual adventurous escapades, but I think we were due for a little boring. Dull or not, all of this has been a welcome respite from the insanity of this summer.
Now, we only have two days of vacation left. After that, we have a very loooong drive ahead of us; Twenty hours of navigating through the midwest monotony, to be exact. And, while I'm not looking forward to that tortuous drive, I am sooo glad we made the effort to make it out here. We've seen family and friends, the puppy has had a blast, and I've been reminded of how nice it can be to visit my childhood home. Thanks, Michigan. See you next time.
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