Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Enjoying the Good Life

When I said I was going to kick back and enjoy the Southern California lifestyle, I wasn’t kidding.  Sure, I’ve had to work a few days here and there, but my post-wedding life has been dominated by a significant amount of beach time, bocce ball, white wine, and a whole lot of relaxing.  I really can’t complain; it’s been a dream come true.

Most importantly, we finally had a chance to take the kayaks out into the open water this weekend.  We’ve wanted to do this since the beginning of summer, but haven’t had time.  So, now that life has slowed down to a reasonable pace, we took our chance.

The surf was rough that day, so we put in at the Harbor Patrol inlet down the road, rather than the beach by our house.  We probably looked like a couple of amateurs at first, too, thanks to our recent lack of paddling.  But we got our balance back pretty quickly and made our way out to the open water, where we played for a couple of hours.  We didn’t get too far down the Newport Coast, but it felt great to get out there and flex our paddling muscles.  Besides, any day on the water is a good day.

Our next goal is to paddle from Newport Beach down to Laguna Beach, but that is going to require some more logistical planning.  I will be sure to keep everyone posted, though.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Post-Wedding Ahhhs

Wow!  I cannot believe I haven’t posted anything since June 13th!  I have been a total slacker!  In my defense, the wedding did take over my life for the past few weeks.  I was a woman possessed and obsessed.  It was insanity!  But, it all worked out in the end, and we had an amazing week in the mountains with our friends, as well as an incredibly fun and beautiful wedding day.

I have to admit, even though we had a great time, I am soooo happy it is all over.  For the first time in a very long time, I feel like I can actually exhale and relax.  I’ve been in planning mode for so long, and have had so much on my mind that it feels incredible to be able to let it all go.  Now I can actually settle into our new beach pad and enjoy our summer on the ocean.

I will post the professional pictures once they become available, and give a more detailed description of the wedding at that time.  But, for now, I’m all wedding-ed out.  So, I’m going to kick back and enjoy the Southern Cali sun.  I think my summer is about to truly begin…